Paying for good BBW porn has its advantages. One advantage that has been high on the list is that you get to watch it is HD. Now you can do that for free on They don’t charge you outrageous prices to watch high quality chubby belly shorties getting fucked. In fact, there is no place to even enter a credit card because they are always free in HD!
Porn HD is making headway in the advertising business model. It is the same concept mainstream TV shows have been using for decades. So it only makes sense to copy such a tried and true method.
The hardcore BBW porn movies can be viewed on mobile devices and can be shared on your own blogs, forums, etc. Joining the porn tube allows you to pick favorite videos, comment on videos and upload your own porn to their free porn cloud service. That way you don’t have to have porn lying around or only on one device. This allows you to access it from anywhere in the world!