You know the drill. Your old lady is preggo with her belly the size of a basketball or bigger and she will wants to fuck. My wife eventually told me why she wanted to fuck every single day of her pregnancy right up until having the kids. Basically she doesn’t masturbate. Not at all. Never has and she things it is some kind of accomplishment that she doesn’t. Whatever!
Back to the point… she kept having a bit of vaginal discharge that basically gave her a mild yeast infection. This caused her clit to be extra sensitive. She likened it to the feeling you get if you itch the skin between your fingers. There is a tingling sensation that builds and builds. Now imagine that on a woman’s clit.
So there you have it. The secret has been revealed. If your honey is madly jumping your bones around month six it is because she is infected with yeast and has nothing to do with your Johnson.
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